
Author of Incarcerations in Black and White, The Subjugation of Black America and 21 Days to Joy, A Daily Devotional to Finding Joy, and is a guest columnist for The St. Louis American Newspaper. Her writings have also appeared in other publications. Her books are available at


Christi Griffin has authored two books, 21 Days to Joy, A Daily Devotional to Finding Joy, and Incarcerations in Black and White, The Subjugation of Black America.  She is simultaneously working on three additional titles: an account of events that led to and include her involvement in Ferguson and in the ongoing civil rights movement, 365 quotes on activism, and a response to the book, Easier to Obtain Than to Maintain, The Globalization of Civil Rights, by the current president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), Charles Steele Jr.

In additional to her published books, Griffin is also a guest columnist for The St. Louis American weekly newspaper. A compilation of those and other columns will form a fourth book.

21 Days to Joy is a very personal journey to finding joy despite the daily challenges of life. Its focus is to move you from moments of doubt into a true sense of joy. This writing will indeed inspire and encourage you to seek the abundant gifts of joy, faith and peace and will guide you through that process each day.

“21 Days to Joy provides a very practical tool for deepening one’s experience of Christian joy. 21 Days to Joy makes clear that joy for the Christian is not dependent on the exterior circumstances of our life, but rather is a fruit of our intimate relationship with Jesus. Christi provides her readers with the opportunity to develop the attitudes and habits from 21 days of prayerful reflection to grow closer to the One who is the source of our joy.” —Christi Griffin

Incarcerations in Black and White. The Subjugation of Black America explores the economic continuum of slavery from the emancipation of slaves through convict leasing and peonage to the U.S. prison system in the 21st Century. As the founder of The Ethics Project, a non-profit organization which focuses on the impact of incarcerations on the community, Christi Griffin identifies key players in a system that has grossed billions of dollars by trafficking human beings through a corrupt and broken system. It discloses the use of lobbying and other influence to garner contracts from state and federal governments. Startling in the brazenness in which the prison system has evolved, Incarcerations in Black and White unveils glaring statistics that prove prisons do little more than shatter the lives of millions of Americans and set countless children on paths of trauma, violence, addiction and crime.

Incarcerations in Black and White provides disturbing correlations between the fraudulent practice of convict leasing and peonage in the late 1800s and the use of prisoners today to manufacture billions of dollars in goods and services while paying as little as 40 cents an hour. It reveals that as the labor pool decrease, policies change to convict individuals for non-violent offenses and to give them longer sentences. As profits decrease, the incarceration of women and mothers now outpace that of men. The effect on society has been staggering. Schools are closed while billions are directed into a system that has increased incarcerations by 800% since 1963. Children are being placed in foster care, often permanently separated from parents as they were during slavery.

Griffin examined data, scholarly articles, books and research to give insight into the billions of U.S. tax dollars spent for ineffective solutions. It explores the impact of incarcerations on children, families and the community and provides numerous links, resources and contacts to strengthen collaborations and end this system of injustice. Convinced that prison corporations are driving this country toward disaster, Incarcerations in Black and White names those behind a destructive, unquenchable system that has convicted thousands of innocent people, created new crimes to fill prison beds and placed an entire nation behind locked doors. It is a system that must be ended.

AVAILABILITY:   Both books are available for a suggested donation to The Ethics Project via